Whirlwind/Razorback *ShowCase No9*

This was a cool project, actually it is an ongoing project for a good client of mine! So this is the first for 7 tanks to follow. So you have too liik forward to seeing x2 razorback, 1x predator, 1xrhino, one landraider redeemer/crusader and last but not least Calgars Landraider.


Colors that we used are from the Vallejo Game Color range

This is the basic colors I have used, note that I might have mixed some and used some other paints not mentioned here.

Night Blue 019 *Airbrushed base coat*

Ultramarine Blue 022 *Airbrushed 2nd base coat, sprayed from top angle*

Black 051

Gory Red 011 *used for the cape*

Bloody Red 010 *used for highlights on red areas*

Dead White 001 *for the ultramarine logo*

Glorious Gold 056 *for gold details over a Beasty Brown 043 base coat*

Polished gold 055 *for gold highlights*

Beasty Brown 043 *for the base of the purity scrolls*

Bone white 034 *for the purity sealls*

Silver was from P3 formula as it is great for drybrushing

Washes are from Games Workshop *Badab Black and Devlan mud*

Pigments are from Vallejo

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